you have entered the home of his Lordship...

(ahhhhh! Kylee!!!!!!!! you rock!!!)

         Lord Artaius D'Winter and his wife, the Lady Melusine, are a part of the Irish side of the family. Artaius, though Irish in name and tongue, was borne in France, first son of the Matriarch, Celine D'Winter. He and his wife have many children that they adore with their own cold, disconnected manner. Seven daughters, whose beauty matched that of their mother, and one son to carry the line of blood.

(much hugs for Eowyn!!!!!)

         Brennan realized what it was that kept his family so well to do when he was 11. By then he had been trained well, for his age. His father wanted this only son to be a pillar to the family, since he was the heir. As much as he protested to what he was taught, no one listened to Bren's words. By 16 years of age, he was just as knowledged in the arts of his family as any of the adults. It was then that he started walking. One hazed morning he went about his rounds, walking along the estate's lands, and just never returned.
         At first, it was just to get away, to be able to breathe without the scent of blood in his nostrils. After the first week, his legs never turned his direction back towards home. As his mind caught up, he realized that he had found a way to stop his family. Not with his words of protest, but with his actions. By leaving home for good, he was robbing them of their heir. No son to take on the tradition of family. As matriarchal as the family may be, it had to be a man to hold up the name D'Winter.
         Bren's plan to rid the family of the heir took him all over the isles. Eire was never safe, so as soon as he was able, he was far from its soil. 4 years of walking onward helped him learn good traits and trades. He had his mother's eye for color and fabric, so that was the only plus that he brought away from Home D'Winter. He became rather good at hunting, cooking, and building. He learned the ways of the earth eagerly. These skills gave him several odd jobs on his journey. Though never given to include himself in discussion of religion and politics, he has been known to practice a slight bit of natural magicks.
         After over 4 years of moving forward, Bren felt compelled to stop his traveling in a small town outside of Nottingham. Dabenshire was dreary and dull compared to what he was used to, still something kept him there. He found himself a job at one of the local taverns, tending bar and cleaning up for bare minimum. He manages to tolerate his employer, Kip, and otherwise is quite good at keeping the peace in the establishment during the owner's absence. He has also managed to 'aquire' a small shale stone home in the forest nearby. Bren has made some good friends, entertaining acquaintances, and solid enemies. He has also, a miracle for the wandering soul, found the love of his life. Now he plans for a stable future with the beautiful True Denver....

(and folks wonder why Bren adores True...she rocks!!)

other key family figures

or in black and white!
(big wolfy snugs to're wunnerful!!!)

True!! (by True's player)
True...*swoon* (by Bren's player)
more True (Demon! you are the best!)